Host to display file extension in Windows 7/8/10

File extension is used in windows to identify the type of file. For Example .mp3 signifies that its an Audio format, .docx represents its a word file format etc.

The default view of windows explorer would be:

As you can notice by default the file extensions are hidden by default. But windows does provide an option to show the file extension, Let see how:

Steps to Show/Hide the file extensions:

Method 1: Using toggle in Windows Explorer

1.Click on View Tab in Windows Explorer Tool Bar

2.Check the checkbox titled File Name Extensions

Viola you are done Explorer will now start displaying file name extensions

Method 2: Using Folder options in control panel

1.Search for control panel

Open Control Panel 

2.Select Appearance and personalization category 

3. Select Folder Options (Folder Explorer Options) 

4. Select View Tab

5. Scroll down and look for a option titled 'Hide extensions for known file types'

6. Uncheck the tick box and click on Apply button viola, Windows explorer will start displaying the file extensions
